1 min read

A Customer Focused Mindset Moves Mountains

A Customer Focused Mindset Moves Mountains

At PeerAssist, we live by the mantra of working as OnePeerAssist.  To our team, this means working together to overcome challenges as well as share in victories, to learn together, grow together, do everything as a team.

Christina Turner, Product Manager, Krasimira Zarankova, & our Dev Team embody our culture and values of what OnePeerAssist should mean.  We wanted to showcase their efforts to share what kind of team and people you work with when you work with PeerAssist for your construction software needs.  

Christina noticed a fellow colleague trying to finish a task, a critical deadline at that, and Christina rolled up her sleeves and pitched in to help finish the task and her comment about it was simply brilliant. 

"Sometimes your customer happens to be your colleague sitting next to you (even virtually) and you notice they are trying to finish a task, complete a project, or fix a problem for a customer.  When we all pitch in to help each other, we are ultimately helping our customer, and making our co-worker's day a bit easier.  Our development team helped tackle the project and get it completed in record time.  Even Krasimira Zarankova who was off this week, stopped in just to greet her team, sat down and helped figure out a price calculation issue.  I love my colleagues and couldn't ask for a better group to work with". 

We caught up with our CPO / Co-Founder, Theresa Jutagir and she shared:

This is a great example of how our team pulls together and when a challenge is presented, people jump in and volunteer to help. 

Matt Wagoner, CEO / Co-Founder says:

The energy, devotion, and care our team commits to our customers is simply remarkable, allowing us to exceed their expectations.



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