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Data Entry, The Silent Killer

Data Entry, The Silent Killer

In construction, a penny saved is a penny earned. Modern construction technology is designed to bridge the gap between the field, office, and various departments. The circulation of information often leads to redundant data entry, a silent killer of time and productivity. Don't overlook the time-saving benefits of software that simplifies data management.

Let's break down where resources are squandered on manual entry, at a granular level.

Project Information

To maintain clear communication with the CM or General Contractor, and effectively track project information and job costs, the project information needs to be on every single document: every RFI, every change order, every purchase order... everything.  The project name and address is needed at bare minimum, but both the contractor and subcontractor should also be referenced, with their respective project numbers and contacts.  With project-centric construction software, this core information should pre-populate onto every document created - eliminating human error and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.  And of course, saving time scribbling or keying in this information on each and every document.

Email Distributions

Another often overlooked time suck is ensuring that all documentation is distributed to the appropriate parties to the correct address.  This includes the subcontractor and customer teams, supplier contacts, and any additional departments or personnel such as Safety, HR or Payroll, etc. Establishing project-centric and document-specific contacts enables your team to send things at the click of a button (or tap of a finger) without recreating the distribution each time, avoiding delays caused by communication mishaps. The convenience of pre-populated email distributions is a huge win for field users who want to whip through their paperwork and focus on the build.

Job Costs

Accurately capturing all spending is crucial to job costing. Most PMs use different applications to run their projects, which requires transferring a lot of data between programs. Pricing changes, for example: they may track T&M on paper --> price it in Excel --> send the change order via email --> keep it in a shared folder --> and finally enter the price into the accounting software to track it on their WIP.  Each of those steps requires opening multiple applications and rekeying information into the next bucket, which of course introduces the risk of human error.  

Apply this example to other areas of project management, such as RFIs (creating a PDF, emailing it to the customer, filing in in a shared folder, keeping an Excel log, and drilling into dozens if not hundreds of folders to proactively update statuses...) The need for a core system that generates all documents is apparent.  

A Centralized Database 

By having a central database of workers and materials, users can streamline their workflow by simply clicking or tapping to make selections. This eliminates the need to manually input names and items, which can often lead to duplication, miscommunication, and errors. Take material orders, for example - a standardized material list keeps your foreman and buyer on the same page, plus it prevents the buyer from having to transcribe orders via call, email or text. The foreman can tap to select the items needed, which the buyer can seamlessly transfer to a purchase order.  

With the right construction software in place, everything is organized and accessible to all roles, reducing the risk of mistakes and saving valuable time. This centralized database not only enhances efficiency but also ensures accuracy in tracking and managing resources, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the project.

Digitizing Field Reports

Perhaps the biggest time saver of all in the construction industry is moving away from paper in the field and submitting daily reports and other jobsite paperwork electronically.  The time and miles involved in physically turning in daily paperwork alone is enough to kill the project budget.  Plus when you factor in all of the benefits mentioned above (preloaded project and team info and tapping to make selections from standardized lists), the time savings is substantial. 

The Time Is Now

Numerous opportunities await trade contractors looking to embrace digital solutions. With cloud-based applications, your team can collaborate seamlessly on a unified platform from any location. The advancement of technology has paved the way for apps to communicate effectively, enhancing the overall user experience. Despite initial resistance to change, transitioning to digital tools doesn't have to be an uphill battle - it's a worthwhile journey towards efficiency and success! 


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