California Drywall Generates $1M in Extra Profit by Using PeerAssist.

California Drywall Generates $1M in Extra Profit by Using PeerAssist.

California Drywall Project: Uber 5th Floor.

Steve Eckstrom, Owner of California Drywall, shares a bit of history with how extra work has been handled in construction by contractors. 

Through this short history lesson, Mr. Eckstrom offers his wealth of experience on why PeerAssist is so impactful for construction subcontractors who pick up extra work on their projects. 

When you can drive upwards of 4% of additional profit that you would not have been able to collect, it drives a big impact on your bottom line.

 Learn from Mr. Eckstrom to avoid letting your hard-earned profits slip through the cracks.  You did the work, maximize your profit with PeerAssist.

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