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Digital Tech Tools for Construction Operations Build Brands

Digital Tech Tools for Construction Operations Build Brands

While the constraints have been enormous, the opportunities are unlimited for companies to position themselves. Recognizing their strengths in responding to the unpredictability of the current business environment is the first step. Capitalizing on these attributes to build a brand follows.

The pandemic has forced a lagging industry to innovate by quickly adapting digital tools for the field and office. The companies that have, the ‘digitally-agile’ have the power to adjust their processes to meet ongoing operational challenges. While implementing new digital tools is crucial to survival, the magic lies in how technology reframes client interactions, experiences, and perceptions. Not only have these companies enhanced the ease and speed of their operations, but they also have created a method to stay ahead of competitors.

Agility Moves Center Stage

Agility relies on collaboration tools by which teams can create, manage, edit, distribute, and target their digital assets. As a result, digital platforms now play a central role in how companies operate and how they are viewed by existing and potential clients, who want assurance that projects are delivered on time and under budget, even in the most challenging times.

Here are four ways that digital tools enhance operations while building a brand:
  1. When data is centralized and stored in the cloud, it is much simpler to find and share a project’s progress in real-time. The time saved sifting through files or managing change orders is shortened, reinforcing a company’s image as streamlined, efficient, and organized.
  2. Accessible tools such as PeerAssist Field module builds confidence that the most up-to-date information is available to all. The fieñd module allows customization and control to ensure team members, owners, and all participants receive the newest versions of any form in minutes.
  3. Companies can track projects by gathering data. Project analytics serve as a bonus to clients as a way to garner powerful insights as a project moves along and, after it closes, to assess and learn from decisions. Data goes a long way to debriefing on a project and smoothing communication between all parties, whether in the field or office, on-site or remote.
  4. 24/7 access to information allows teams to work around the clock should an emergency arise or there is need to engage team members in different time zones. Having data available on one app, securely held in the cloud, can eliminate gatekeepers, shorten timelines and responses to RFIs, and increase transparency and speed.

As the Industry Advances

The narrow gauge mindset of the past is insufficient for today’s problems. As the year-of-all-years is in our rearview mirror, businesses have an opportunity to leverage the advances they have made by continuing to demonstrate their agility. The construction industry deserves particular praise for stepping up to unprecedented obstacles. The unforgettable year of 2020 changed the future of our industry. It is time to get the word out.

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