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Improving Customer Value with End-to-End Products

Improving Customer Value with End-to-End Products

Peer Assist knows that construction companies require a smoothly integrated suite of products to connect the field and office to build value and lower costs. By combining digital technologies with our in-depth knowledge of the industry and its operations, we offer a highly targeted, well-sequenced way to achieve ongoing improvements to construction management processes.

 We wanted to end uncoordinated, siloed efforts to move our companies to a set of organized interactions that inherently promote growth and transparency. Instead of a strict bifurcation between field and office, working separately by function or location, we sought tools that allow our companies to operate holistically. PeerAssist was designed by contractors for contractors covering all the bases from field to office.

 Rather than focusing on a particular existing process, we consider the entire workflow. We built an ingenious model to sequence multiple capabilities and functions using digital tools and technologies. We have reshaped time-consuming transactional and manual tasks, especially those that involve multiple systems and platforms. We want our companies to be able to make smarter decisions, harnessing the power of data and powerful digital tools to be more productive and profitable. 

 Our first step was to unify all mobile, tablet, and browser devices to deploy construction documents in real-time in the cloud. A job site is a complex, multilayered environment. We understand how crucial it is to streamline workflows and the need for an end-to-end process for project management activities. We also know how vital procurement is, so we created additional tools to help companies buy intelligently and get answers quickly.

 PeerAssist's suite of digital tools offers a range of capabilities in one application. Here is an overview of some of the many benefits:  

 Data and Analytics

  • Simplify and automate data to manage risk
  • Meet compliance and regulation standards and changes
  • Analytics to gain valuable insights to plan and chart trends

Error Reduction

  • Track projects in real-time
  • Manage schedules, t&m tags, and budgets team wide
  • Improve quality control and safety 

Greater Efficiency

  • Less waste and rework with fewer delays
  • Higher profitability
  • Enhanced communication and collaboration between field and office

 Moving the Industry Forward

 As an industry, construction can behave like the human brain, capturing only a tiny fraction of its potential and value. Our industry languished in paper-based systems until we were faced, for better or worse, with unprecedented challenges of keeping our job sites open during the height of the pandemic. For a long time, we were lured into false complacency, as we were insulated from the digital revolution by the on-the-ground realities of the job site. 

 In 2020, projects were on hold, supply bottlenecks were commonplace, and labor shortages were ongoing. Still, the industry and its partners resisted easy answers to drive home solutions that would meet the moment and beyond. But so much has changed since that time, including the nature of the marketplace and competition – the ability to react and shift business models to meet new needs is key to gaining a competitive advantage. 

 That's why PeerAssist leveraged our experience and knowledge base to move to an all-in-one solution, meeting contractors' needs by seamlessly integrating existing systems. And it's why we remain dedicated to helping trade contractors and subcontractors bridge the divide between field and office with digital tools to streamline operations and increase profitability and productivity. 

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