June is Pride Month

June is Pride Month

This month, we, at PeerAssist, want to take time to celebrate, honor, and show support for our LGBTQ+ friends, family, and colleagues. Even though June is officially Pride Month, we believe that the celebration is year-round as there is still much work ahead. And Pride matters to all: whether at home, in the office, or on the job site, we should never risk being ostracized, bullied, or terminated over our sexual orientation or gender identity.

As Out & Equal Executive Director Selisse Berry writes, “I believe that no one should ever have to choose between a career we love and living our lives with authenticity and integrity.” Here’s to a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplace and beyond!

Data Entry, The Silent Killer

Data Entry, The Silent Killer

In construction, a penny saved is a penny earned. Modern construction technology is designed to bridge the gap between the field, office, and various...

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How to write better purchase orders (and why it's important)

How to write better purchase orders (and why it's important)

Why Every Contractor Needs To Bulletproof Their Purchase Orders Effective cost management is paramount to the success of any construction project....

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How manual data entry is hurting trade contractors

How manual data entry is hurting trade contractors

In the fast-paced world of construction, efficiency reigns supreme. Every hour counts, every dollar matters. Yet, a hidden cost lurks beneath the...

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