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The Cost of Doing Nothing: A Price Construction Companies Can't Afford

The Cost of Doing Nothing: A Price Construction Companies Can't Afford

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And, very often, doing nothing costs a lot more!" Ben Feldman

Whether we like it or not, we received several hard lessons over the past two years. One of the hardest lessons is procrastination's cost and the importance of being prepared in an evolving and sometimes chaotic business environment. 

Why should we care? Because being caught in a reactive mode comes at a high price: lost revenue, delays, and an inability to respond to contingencies, everything from inclement weather, supply chain hiccups, and labor shortages

What can we do about the unforeseen? No one has a crystal ball, but with a bit of future planning, we can meet three of the most crucial ongoing, iterative needs head-on:

  1. A Precise Schedule
    A construction schedule is critical in outlining the pace of work. It can delineate the major phases across the project's duration and pinpoint the dates for key deliverables detailing the methods and sequence for putting it all in a place. Preparing a construction schedule is a tough job. Before advances in cloud-based applications, schedulers found themselves with a tremendous amount of legwork to set up and update project plans. With the introduction of cloud-based apps, we can exchange information in real-time. Efficient cloud-based apps help with the flow of information and scheduling modifications over a project's entire life cycle. Job-sensitive communications can be shared quickly with targeted teams, making scheduling changes much less disruptive.

  2. A Trackable Budget
    Failing to estimate and track the correct costs is one of the most significant issues associated with any project. Cost estimates must communicate the detailed breakdown of the elements of a construction project, with attention to every detail. Success depends on tracking performance against total time spent and cost estimates. A cloud-based application should integrate financial reporting, forecasting, and analysis. Another advantage to the cloud is accessing financial data in both the field and office and updating and sharing any changes as they occur. 

  3. High-Quality Performance
    Performance stems from a set of best practices. When teams have the resources and knowledge to keep a project moving toward its primary aim, they know what to accomplish. At PeerAssist, we design our cloud-based apps to achieve excellence for our users. Real-time tools help track and manage the work, from daily reports, purchasing, billing, T&M tickets, to health assessments, and more. 

Cloud-connected mobile apps let companies do more with less. 

The construction industry is experiencing an unprecedented rate of transformation. Construction professionals can now have real-time intelligence at their fingertips to improve their productivity and accuracy and enhance job site safety and communications among team members. There is no excuse left not to. By providing best-of-class, applications that are accessible and affordable, PeerAssist hopes to move the industry from plumb bobs and string lines to devices, bots, and lasers.

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