PeerAssist featured in Construction Executive's 2022 Hot Products

PeerAssist featured in Construction Executive's 2022 Hot Products

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PeerAssist, a leading provider of field productivity construction management software, has been named a 'Hot Product' by Construction Executive. The enhanced Purchasing solution, a comprehensive suite of digitized construction e-forms that ensures seamlessly aligned field and office communications, is highlighted as a top construction technology in the magazine's 2022 special edition issue.

"We're proud to be featured alongside other leaders in the construction technology sector," says Matt Wagoner, CEO of PeerAssist. "Having PeerAssist Purchasing recognized is humbling, and we appreciate being seen as a leader in construction field productivity”.

The annual list recognizes leading products at the forefront of construction's digital transformation and highlights the hottest industry trends.

See PeerAssist Procurement in action today at our newly launched demo library.

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